Monday, December 8, 2008

Politically Correct Prejudice

Why is it okay to discriminate against some people? This morning, I was on a surrogacy website I go to, and someone was upset at being called a bigot. Well, this person said,

"Just because someone doesn't agree or believes differently than you, does not make that person a bigot or "close-minded". Please remember that we all believe differently and most do not go around being hateful to those who think differently. So to those who teach their children differently than you, or to those who disagree with the aforementioned topic, they do not deserve to be called a bigot or "close-minded". They just think differently and that's it. We are all entitled to that and we have that freedom, living here in America."

In other words, it's her right as an American to teach her kids that they are better than people who are different from them. Well, okay, in America, technically, you can do that. What you can't do is do it without being called on it. Because while, legally, it is allowed, morally, it is not okay.

And what a double standard, huh? Why is it okay for her to teach that gays (which is what we were talking about) are second class citizens, but I am not allowed to teach my children that prejudice is wrong?

Yeah, I know, apples and oranges. She is making a sweeping judgement of all gays, while I am judging people by their actions. Actually, that just proves my point that she is practicing prejudice, while I am judging someone on their own merit (or lack of it).

Well, I responded and I was not the only one. I told her that if she was going to teach her children that way, then she should expect to be called what she is. I also pointed out that subtle hate can be more dangerous, as it is more easily hidden. (Okay, you must all go and see "Gentleman's Agreement") I told her that if that is what she believes and teaches, we get to call her prejudiced.

I guess my point is that if she came and started saying that blacks or Jews were not as good as her and her kids, that people would have flipped out on her and it would have been a huge shitstorm. But no. We all tried (pretty darn nicely) to tell her why she was wrong. I don't think people would have felt they needed to be that nice if it had been "politically incorrect bigotry".

I know I have brought this up before, but while we are on the subject of "politically correct bigotry": atheism. Why does my soc teacher keep thinking it's okay to keep picking on me in class? Because it's socially acceptable to pick on atheists. He probably wouldn't dream of picking on a Jewish or a Christian student. But, it's okay to pick on me. I try really hard to just ignore it, but it's not funny and I am getting really annoyed. I keep debating whether or not to report him, but I can't decide if it will do more harm than good.

Also, Muslims. I heard so many people say they were not voting for Obama because "he is a Muslim". And the answer (from Obama supporters) was always "No, of course he isn't." Shouldn't it have been "Why the hell should that matter?"

So, some people (gays, Muslims, Atheists) are okay to be prejudiced against. Really. Good to know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

post it